About OATH-Frames

Homelessness in the U.S. is widespread, eliciting complex attitudes among individuals (e.g. critical as well as sympathetic), often expressed on social media. These attitudes are challenging to summarize at scale, further obfuscating the broader public opinion which advocacy organizations use to guide public policy and reform efforts. Our work proposes an approach to enable a large-scale study on homelessness via two major contributions. First, with the help of domain experts in social work, we characterize Online Attitudes towards Homelessness in nine hierarchical frames: OATH-Frames on a collection of 4K social media posts. Further, in an effort to ease the annotation, we employ GPT-4 as an LLM assistant to the experts; GPT-4 annotation presents an attractive trade off owing to a 6.5x speedup in annotation time despite only incurring a 2 point F1 difference in annotation performance. Our effort results in a collection of 8K social media posts labeled by domain and trained experts (with and without GPT-4 assistance). Second, using predicted OATH-Frames on a Flan-T5-Large model trained on our data, we perform a large-scale analysis on 3.1M posts on homelessness. We find marked differences in perceptions towards homelessness between the east and west coast of the U.S. We also find that posts often pit people experiencing homelessness, specifically veterans, against immigrants and asylum seekers as being either more- or less-deserving of resources and aid.
We collect 3.1M posts from X on the topic of homelessness. The process of framing consists of two main components: Data Collection + Frame Discovery and Data Annotation + Frame Analysis. Given a subset of our posts, domain experts apply grounded theory to iteratively extract the main themes in our data, and develop a set of frames that describe Online Attitudes Towards Homelessness: OATH-Frames. Data Annotation consists of three main parts: first, a team of domain and trained experts annotate a set of 4.1k posts using OATH-Frames, second, we generate OATH-Frames predictions on a set of 4.1k posts that are verified by experts using GPT-4 + Expert pipeline, third, we use our expert annotated posts and our GPT-4 + Expert verified posts to train a Flan-T5-Large model and generate predictions on a set of 2.4M posts. During Frame Analysis, we use our expert annotated posts, GPT-4 + Expert verified posts, and Flan-T5-Large predictions to analyze variations in attitudes across social and political dimensions that affect public opinion towards homelessness.
We prompt GPT-4 with OATH-Frames and their corresponding definitions where we use the predicted frames and corresponding generated chains-of-thought to clarify the definitions in our prompt and validate against a set of expert annotated posts following prior works. Using our refined prompt, we generate predictions of OATH-Frames on a set of 4.1k posts and experts verify the predictions while kicking out frames that do not belong. }

